AQAR 2021-22

AQAR 2021 - 22

1.1 Number of students on-rolls during Years 2021-22

1.1.2 Meeting Notice and minutes

1.1.2 Number of Value added courses

1.1.3 Institutional Curriculum Planning

1.2.1 Number of optional elective courses

1.2.1 Academic calendar showing time - Number of value-added courses

1.2.3 List of the students enrolled in the value-added course

1.2.4 Percentage of students who have completed self-study courses

1.2.5 Percentage of students who have completed self-study courses

1.3.1 Documentary evidence

1.3.2 Action plan indicating the way student

1.3.3 Documentary evidence in support

1.4.1 Sample filled-in feedback forms

1.4.2 Stakeholder feedback analysis

2.1.1 Approved Programme wise list

2.1.1 Number of Student enrolled

2.1.3 DT

2.1.3 Certificates of EWS and Divyangjan

2.2 Number of seats sanctioned

2.2.1 Documentary Evidence

2.2.1 Performance of students at entry level

2.2.2 DT Mechanisms are in place to honour student diversities in terms of learning needs

2.2.2 Photograph

2.2.2 Report

2.2.3 Report

2.2.4 Student -Mentor ratio

2.2.4 Relevant Documents of Mentor Mentee

2.3 Number of seats earmarked for reserved categories as per

2.3.1 Any other relevant Information

2.3.1 Course wise details of mode of learning

2.3.2 DT

2.3.2 Any other relevant information

2.3.3 Documentary Evidence

2.3.3 DT

2.3.4 D.T

2.3.4 Geo tag Photograph

2.3.4 Lesson and Activities

2.3.5 Documentary evidence

2.3.6 DT

2.3.6 Documentary Evidence

2.3.7 Documentary evidence

2.4 Number of Outgoing student who appearedfinal year Exam

2.4.1 DT

2.4.2 Documentary Evidence

2.4.2 DT Students go through a set of activities

2.4.2 Report and Activities

2.4.2 Report and Photograph

2.4.2. Documentary Evidence

2.4.3 Details of Activities

2.4.3 DT

2.4.3. Any other Relavent information

2.4.4 Document showing the diffrent Activities

2.4.4 DT Students are enabled to evolve the following tools of assessment

2.4.4 Sample prepaired by student

2.4.5 Documentary Evidence

2.4.5 DT

2.4.5 Sample evidence

2.4.6 Documentary Evidence

2.4.6 DT

2.4.7 DT

2.4.7 Sample assesed asignment

2.4.8 eviedence

2.4.9 Any other relevant information

2.4.9 DT

2.4.9 Plan of Teacher angagement

2.4.10 DT

2.4.10 Sample Copy

2.4.10 school wise internship

2.4.11 Documentary Evidence

2.4.12 Any other Information

2.4.13 Format of criteria and weightage

2.5 Number of Graduatiing Student

2.5.1 DT

2.5.2. Cetificates of Ph.D. Degree


2.5.3 Copy of Appointment Letter

2.6 Number of students enrolled

2.6.1 Relevant Docu.

2.6.2 Annual Institutional Plan of Internal evaluation

2.6.2 Copy of University Regulation

2.6.2 Report Meachnisum of Internal evaluation

2.6.3 Academic Calender

2.7.2 DT

2.7.2 Result sheet

2.7.4. DT Number of students achieving on an average 70% or more in internal assessment activities

3.1.1 Average number of research project

3.1.3 Documenatary Evidence

3.1.3 Income exprnditure statement

3.1.3 In-house support is provided by the institution to teachers for research purposes

3.1.4 Documentary evidence

3.2.1 DT Average number of research papers articles per teacher

3.2.1 E-copy of Outer Jacket

3.2.1 First page of article

3.2.2 Average number of books and or chapters in edited books published

3.3.1 Average number of outreach activities

3.3.1 Outreach ctivities Report

3.3.3 Percentage of student participation in national priority programmes

3.3.4 Relevant Document

3.3.4 Report of each Outreach Activities

3.3.5 Number of awards and honours received for outreach activities

3.4.1 Average number of linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, research etc

3.4.2 Functional MoUs with institutions of National and or International

3.4.3 Institution has linkages with schools and other educational agencies

3.4.3 Report of Each Activities

4.1.1 Any other Relevant Information

4.1.2 Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities - Copy

4.1.2 Percentage of classrooms and seminar hall(s) with ICT- enabled facilities

4.1.3 Percentage of expenditure excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation

4.2.3 Institution has subscription for e-resources and has membership registration

4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books, journals, and e-resources

4.2.4 Income Expenditure statement

4.2.5 Any other Related information

4.2.6 Any Other Relavant Information

4.2.6 Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the library

4.3.1 Receipt for wi - fi

4.3.2 stock register and Purchase Register

4.3.2 Student – Computer ratio

4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development

4.4.1 Income Expenditure Statement

4.4.1 Percentage expenditure incurred exclusively on maintenance of physical and academic support facilities

5.1 Number of full-time teachers

5.1.1 Photographs of student support

5.1.1 Report on each capability building and skill enhancement initiative adopted

5.1.1 Student Support

5.1.2 Any other documents Available student support facilities

5.1.2 Available student support facilities

5.1.3 Any other relevant information student grievance redressal committee

5.1.3 Composition of the student grievance redressal committee including sexual harassment and ragging

5.1.3 Report of the Placement Cell

5.1.3 The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances

5.1.4 Any other relevant information of student placement

5.1.4 Income Expenditure statement

5.1.4 Institution provides additional support to needy students in several ways

5.2.1 Any other inf. related to placement

5.2.1 Appointment letters of 10 percent graduates for each year

5.2.1 Number of students of the institution placed as teachersteacher educators

5.2.1 Reports of Placement Cell for during the year

5.2.2 Details of graduating students and their progression to higher education

5.2.2 Number of student progression to higher education

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying statenational level examinations

5.3.1 List of students represented on different bodies of the Institution

5.3.2 Number of sports and cultural events organized at the institution

5.3.2 Reports of the sports and cultural activities along with the photographs

5.4.2 Agenda and minutes of the meeting of Alumni Association

5.4.2 Report of alumni participation in institutional functioning

5.4.3 Number of meetings of Alumni Association

5.4.4 Support from Alumni Association

6.1.1 List of teachers, students and non-teaching staff on decision making bodies of the institution

6.1.1 Vision and Mission statements of the institution

6.1.2 Relevant documents to indicate decentralization and participative management

6.2.3 Annual e-governance report

6.2.3 Any other relevant information about e-governance

6.2.3 Geo-tagged photographs related to egovernance

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance are in the following areas of operation Planning and Development

6.2.3 Screen shots of user interfaces of each module

6.2.4 Action taken report

6.2.4 Minutes of the meeting

6.3.1 List of beneficiaries of welfare measures provided by the institution

6.3.2 Certificate of participation

6.3.2 E-copy of letters indicating financial assistance to teachers

6.3.2 Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend Seminars

6.3.3 Number of professional development administrative training programmes

6.3.4 Copy of Course completion certificates

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)

6.3.5 Performance Appraisal system

6.3.5 Proforma used for performance appraisal for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.4.1 Report of Auditors of during the year

6.4.2 Funds Donations received from non-government bodies

6.5.1 List of activities responsible for ensuring quality culture in the Institution

6.5.3 List of quality initiatives undertaken by IQAC

6.5.3 Number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC

6.5.3 Report of the work done by IQAC

6.5.4 Institution engages in several quality initiatives

6.5.5 Incremental Improvements in academic and administrative

6.5.5 Relevant documentary evidence in Incremental Improvements in academic and administrative domains through quality assurance initiatives

7.1.1 Institution’s energy policy document

7.1.2 Institution has a stated policy and procedure for implementation of waste management

7.1.2 Waste management any other document

7.1.2 Best Practices

7.1.3 Geo-tagged photographs, segration of waste

7.1.3 Institution waste management practices include Segregation of waste

7.1.4 Institution has water management and conservation initiatives

7.1.4 water management and conservation initiatives, any other documents

7.1.5 Institution is committed to maintenance of cleanliness

7.1.6 Circulars and relevant policy papers for green Practices

7.1.6 Geotagged photographs related to Green Practice

7.1.6 Snap shots and documents related to exclusive software packages used for paperless office

7.1.7 Number of expenditure on green initiatives

7.1.8 Community Practice

7.1.9 Copy of the Code of Conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff of Institution

7.1.9 Web-Link to the Code of Conduct displayed on the institution’s website

7.2.2 Best Practices any other documents

7.3.1 Institutional distinctiveness any other documents

7.3.1 Photo of institutional performance related to the one area of its distinctiveness